Above all, love one another deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1Peter 4:8
I have always loved this verse for its encouragement but also for its hope. I can't exactly explain it, but it moves me greatly inside...almost makes my heart skip a beat. It speaks to what I can do and what others do for me. What does loving someone deeply "look like"? For me I think this means to let go of my critical nature, to not feel like I have to be in charge of that person (because, of course, I am not), to help someone who needs help--in healthy and life-giving ways, not in a co-dependent kind of way.
How awesome that we are allowed the privelege (through our love of others) to assist in anything that has to do with covering "over a multitude of sins." Does this mean mine or someone elses or both? Does it mean that when we truly love others we are able to meet some of their needs that perhaps the sin of someone else has brought into their lives? No matter the answer, we are called to do this (love one another deeply), and it leaves me in wonder to know that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit to do this...because He certainly can't expect me to do it on my own.
It is wonderful to see the evidence of God's grace in your life, Susan! Keep blogging-it has been an encouragement. Erin :)