Sunday, October 17, 2010

(Not So Nice) Surprise

It always surprises me how I can be moving forward fairly consistently and then from out of nowhere, it seems, I get knocked on my backside.


  1. Susan-I wish I could inspire you with encouraging words like others have tried to do here but I am not very good at that sort of thing. Just know I am thinking about you and praying for you and I love you! Erin

  2. It is surprising and humbling. Important thing is to get up, dust self off, and take the next step...get back in the saddle!

  3. i always find that sort of surprise frustrating, too. there's that moment of anger (for me anyway) when i think, "dammit! i am PAST this part." and yet, there you are. not past it. just grappling with some new aspect of it. being a human being is really, a lot of work.

  4. Amen, sister! That is exactly what I find myself feeling and thinking!
