My heart is soaring for the gift this family has received. Go, Lucy, Go!!! (and Kate, and Eric and Ella and Jack!) The road ahead is still unclear, but they are choosing to savor the beauty of this day--and take the next step in faith that the step after will be revealed as they continue to put one foot in front of the other.
As our family is well aware, not one of us knows the exact number of our days. It is important to me that my children and I be mindful to live the day we have, not the day we wish we had. Some days this is difficult beyond imagination. In allowing us to share in part of their journey, the Krull's inspire me to strive to live each of my days giving thanks, savoring the beautiful (in its many forms) and not just prayerfully seeking, but actually taking, the next step that is laid before me. Go, Lucy, Go. Your zest for life and your family's faithfulness continue to inspire and encourage a host of people you will never meet.
They are the shoot I have planted,
the work of my hands,
for the display of my splendor.
Isaiah 60:21b
It's not only the Krull family that are inspirational... You three Randolph's are my real life heros!!