Friday, August 6, 2010

Ready, Set, Go

This week has been rocky. I have felt pretty bad through most of it, but this afternoon for some reason, I began to be filled with hope. Hope for a good future. Hope that my children will be okay—better than okay—for they carry their daddy's love in them. Todd will always be a part of me—we traveled too long together for it to be any other way. But I also know that he would want me to keep on living…and not to act like I have died too. He was too full of life himself. I am sure there are many more rough days ahead, but I am thankful for this surge of hope.

I wrote the above comments yesterday. Today has been major ups or downs. I like my new job very much, and I am thankful that I had it to go to everyday this week. The woman that I have assisted this week is wonderful, wise and understanding. We had a lot of paperwork to do--many tasks that were tedious and required time but not too much brain power--which was just what I needed this week. The kids did well their first week back at school...but it has been a draining week for them as well. Mom and Katie have been here helping us all get back into a routine. We would never have made it to school and work on time without them. Next week I will have to get lunches and clothes ready the night before so we can all get where we need to go...I know I can do it. I am ready for this.


  1. I'm so proud of you, sister! You CAN do it - I believe in you!!!!

    With much love and admiration ~ D

  2. "O for a faith that will not shrink
    Though pressed by ev're foe,
    That will not tremble on the brink
    Of any earthly woe.

    That will not murmur nor complain
    Beneath the chast'ning rod,
    But in the hour of grief and pain
    Will lean upon its God.

    A faith that shines more bright and clean
    When tempests rage without,
    That, when in danger, knows no fear,
    In darkness feels no doubt.

    Lord, give me such a faith as this,
    And then, whate'er may come,
    I'll taste e'en now the hollowed bliss
    Of an eternal home."

    William H. Barthurst 1796-1877
