Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thank You

Just a quick update. We survived yesterday. I know this is another milestone we must go through...there is no skipping or going around. Thanks for all the texts, emails and cards you sent to encourage us and let us know you were holding us close in prayer. Yesterday evening was particularly difficult for me, but I am holding onto the promise that "joy cometh." I felt your love and prayers even through my tears.


  1. Then the time came when the risk it took
    To remain tight in a bud was more painful
    Than the risk it took to blossom.
    ~Anais Nin

  2. Thank you, whoever you are.

  3. I hold you and your dear children, all the family in my heart and pray for the hurt to ease as each day passes. You are one of the bravest young women I know.

  4. Susan,

    Joy will come! I know it is not the same but I lost my mom on Aug 2--21 years ago. At times I remember the pain like yesterday and still certain things lead to new waves of grief for me. I remember the hole that loss created in me and thinking there was no way I would survive. By the grace of God I have done more than just survive...I have been blessed and I have blossomed. I pray that for you and your precious babies.

  5. I know it's hard to feel Him right now...hard to feel anything, but He is still there. He knows every inch of your broken heart. He holds every tear you've cried. He understands all the anger, hurt and pain better than we will ever know. He will see you through this and joy WILL COME!
